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Become a RISE Sponsor

Rise A Scholar

What you will recieve:

  1. Name/Logo on promotional material + social media pages

  2. You will recieve a T-Shirt

What your donations will be funding:

  1. Books and other school supplies 

  2. Coats in the Winter for families

  3. Food for in-person meetings

  4. Prizes and gifts for high-achieving students

Funds for the Future

What you will recieve:

  1. Everything in Rise A Scholar

  2. Name/Logo on the Website

  3. Shoutout on the Radio

What your donations will be funding:

  1. Books and other school supplies

  2. Ciats in the winter for families

  3. Food for in-person meetings

  4. Prirzes and gifts for high acheiving students

  5. College yours with swag (virtual)

  6. Scholarship for higher education (college, university, or trade school)

Friends of the Rise

What you will recieve:

  1. Everything in Rise A Scholar & Funds for the Future

  2. Monthly/quarterly updates from students who graduated or are currently in the program.

What your donations will be funding:

  1. Books and other school supplies 

  2. Coats in the Winter for families

  3. Food for in-person meetings

  4. Prizes and gifts for high-achieving students

  5. College Tours (in person)

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